In the popular book series "Harry Potter", there is a fictional game by the name "Quidditch". In that there is a "Seeker", a person who is supposed to catch the snitch a Golden ball that spins and runs like the wind in mid-air, with the blink of an eye it disappears. Blink, is the name of a book written by Malcolm Gladwell, in which he mentions that it just takes one fleeting second to know that there is something, it could be wrong or it could be a point of similarity or difference.
For this post, I am the Seeker, the artwork is the golden snitch and the "Blink" moment is the similarity that I notice, I don't know about you guys. You'll have to see it to belive it.
What happens when two different people, from different places have similar ideas?
What if a third person, sitting in an entirely different place far from them notices it? They don't know, what I know.
Well, you're about to see is more interesting than that.
One is a Street Artist, whose work I recently came across. The other one is an Illustrator and designer based in Phillipines who occasionally does wall art too.
By Seth
Location - Mostly Paris
Picture Credits
Seth - Street Art Utopia
Rommel - Strange Skins (Blog)
For this post, I am the Seeker, the artwork is the golden snitch and the "Blink" moment is the similarity that I notice, I don't know about you guys. You'll have to see it to belive it.
What happens when two different people, from different places have similar ideas?
What if a third person, sitting in an entirely different place far from them notices it? They don't know, what I know.
Well, you're about to see is more interesting than that.
One is a Street Artist, whose work I recently came across. The other one is an Illustrator and designer based in Phillipines who occasionally does wall art too.
By Seth
Location - Mostly Paris
By Rommel
Location - Phillipines
The Dreamer
Story's End
The Sleeper
Let's pretend everything's okay!
The Secret
Seth - Street Art Utopia
Rommel - Strange Skins (Blog)